Training Sessions Don’t Need To Be Long!

Keeping your dog training sessions short can provide several benefits, including:

  1. Improved focus: Dogs have shorter attention spans than humans, and short training sessions can help them maintain focus and attention. By keeping the sessions brief, you can maximize the effectiveness of the training and ensure that your dog is engaged and responsive.

  2. Reduced boredom: Long training sessions can quickly become boring and repetitive for dogs, which can lead to disinterest and lack of motivation. By keeping the sessions short and varied, you can maintain your dog's interest and keep them eager to learn.

  3. Increased retention: Dogs tend to learn better in shorter, frequent training sessions, rather than longer, infrequent ones. Short sessions allow your dog to better retain the information you are teaching them, which can lead to more successful training in the long run.

  4. Minimized frustration: If you keep training sessions too long, your dog may become frustrated or overwhelmed, leading to negative associations with training. By keeping sessions short and ending on a positive note, you can help prevent frustration and keep your dog enthusiastic about training.

  5. Flexibility: Short training sessions can be easily incorporated into your daily routine, whether it's a quick 45-second sessions during commercial breaks, a 5-minute training session before mealtime or a 10-minute session after a walk. This allows for greater flexibility in scheduling!


Finding Motivation (For Your Dog)


Benefits of recording your training sessions