The Local Dog Walker at Portrait at Hance Park in Downtown, Phoenix

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Why Is Understanding My Dog’s Body Language Important?

If you’ve ever wanted to be a superhero for your dog, understanding their body language is the way to do it! Dogs, and cats!, primarily communicate through body language. Understanding your dog’s body language is important in their wellbeing- it could even save their life! Have you ever walked down the sidewalk and had that moment of seeing an oncoming dog and not knowing how the encounter was going to go? Learning about body language can help you determine just how much space is needed for your dog to safely get by.

Understanding dog behavior is crucial for dog guardians because it helps build a strong bond and facilitates effective communication. It allows guardians to respond appropriately to their dog's needs, prevent behavior issues, and create a positive training environment based on the dog's natural instincts and emotions. This understanding enhances the overall well-being of the dog and the relationship with its guardian.

A favorite resource for learning about dog, and cat!, body language is from Lili Chin’s books:

You won’t be disappointed in her work!